All reviews designed to be read in (approximately) one minute (or so) or less, for today's crazy, hurried world - all SPOILER-FREE!

Saturday, March 7, 2015


While it's true The Pyramid doesn't break new ground in the horror genre (critics trounced it), for me it was still a solid B-movie I sat through much of with with my fingers covering my eyes, the suspense tight as a piano wire.  Father-daughter archaeologists Holden and Nora (Denis O'Hare, Ashley Hinshaw) are in the Egyptian desert, 250 miles south of Cairo, where they've discovered an anomaly: a three-sided pyramid, much of it still buried in the sand.  It is August 2013, Cairo in conflict over the coup/takeover, so when they and a documentary team recording the expedition are told to leave Egypt the next morning, that night they send a robotic scout down a tunnel leading to the apex of the pyramid ... which promptly disappears, forcing them inside to retrieve it (where more than a robot awaits).  The film relies only a bit on the "found footage" technique (thank God), and though compared to As Above, So Below (the better film), I felt The Pyramid had enough fun, scares, and B-movie awesomeness to engage my brain and jack up my fear factor. (rated R)  B



  1. Sounds great. Excellent review as always

  2. I am not into scary these days. Want to be entertained....but glad you enjoyed it!


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