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Thursday, March 12, 2015

LILTING (2014)

Junn (Cheng Pei-Pei) is a Cambodian Chinese widow living in an assisted living facility in London, mourning the recent death of her son Kai (Andrew Leung), her only child.  In another part of the city, the same pain fills Richard (Ben Whishaw, who anchors the film with full-on heart and soul), Kai's "roommate," whom Junn has never liked and feels is responsible for Kai's (even temporarily) placing her in her new home.  Both are grieving the loss of a man they loved deeply, a language barrier keeping them from communicating until Richard hires an interpreter, hoping to reach out to the mother of the man he loved, their shared memories and devotion to Kai their only bond.  Moving, gentle, and honest, Lilting is a melancholy (but not depressing) portrait of coping with grief, loss and acceptance; of coming to appreciate what we have in common, as people, instead of letting our differences keep us apart.  The performances, by all three leads (especially Whishaw), are understated and poetic. (not rated)  B

LILTING trailer

1 comment:

  1. This sounds extraordinary. Great review - thank you


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