All reviews designed to be read in (approximately) one minute (or so) or less, for today's crazy, hurried world - all SPOILER-FREE!

Monday, March 9, 2015


Is Fifty Shades Oscar-worthy?  NO.  Is it a great film?  Again, no.  But does it deserve the hate, from women's groups to critics to uptight conservatives, that it's gotten?  Most definitely, no.  Anastasia Steele (Dakota Johnson), an English Lit major, interviews handsome, enigmatic Seattle billionaire Christian Grey (Jamie Dornan) as a favor for her roommate.  From jump their attraction is palpable, and as Ana finds herself falling under his spell she also learns that Christian's past has made him a man in need of total control over his life - even in bed - and that to enter into a relationship with him is to enter a world she'd never imagined.  The sex scenes aren't overdone (for the subject matter), and while the film tries hard to also tell the tale of this broken man and the woman who just may be able to heal him, the script, acting, and casting of Anastasia could all have been better.  Still, Ana is no "victim" here; if anything she has the ultimate control, all her decisions her own.  A mixed bag, but worth seeing. (rated R)  B-



  1. Yay! Thank you, Donald! I swear, book two and three get to the heart of his ills. Awesome review!

  2. I've been desperate for you to see this and read your thoughts so I leapt on this review as soon as I saw it on my phone (travelling back from London - see how eager I was?). A really great take on this and so good not to have the hysterics and derision of many reviews.

  3. I will have to check it out. I was only hearing about sex sex sex so to hear about a troubled past peaked my interest. Thanks


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