All reviews designed to be read in (approximately) one minute (or so) or less, for today's crazy, hurried world - all SPOILER-FREE!

Sunday, February 11, 2018


(2017) On vacation in Mexico, adventurous sister Kate (Claire Holt) talks boring sister Lisa (Mandy Moore) into entering a shark cage to view underwater life. Everything is pretty awesome until the cable breaks, the cage falling 47 meters to the ocean floor, where the sisters find themselves suddenly stuck with limited oxygen and hungry great whites circling somewhere nearby. Very much a B-movie, where everything these women do gets them in even more trouble, but a few of the jump scares are brilliant; first time I've actually yelped watching a film in years, and did it a few times here! Otherwise a straightforward thriller/drama that manages to pack a few surprises, even if the characters themselves occasionally do something stupid - that no one would do in real life - making you want to slap them silly. Mindless fun with a few genuine thrills, Holt and Moore both terrific for being the only two actors on-screen for nearly the entire film and having to perform through oversized scuba masks throughout. The sharks are damned scary, too. (rated PG-13) 7/10 stars

(NOTE: while the trailer below doesn't exactly give away spoilers, I am glad I didn't watch/remember it before seeing the film - and suggest you do the same, if you intend seeing 47 Meters Down yourself!)