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Monday, October 26, 2015

MINIONS (2015)

Man, I love these little hellraisers; could only imagine the trouble they'd get into with their own film.  Sure enough, Minions begins chronicling the origins of these yellow buggers - from earth's beginnings, going up to 1968 New York City - and how, with each new evil master they come to serve, their over-anxious efforts to please cause said master serious trouble.  Finally making their home in an ice cave, minions Kevin, Bob and Stuart decide to break from the pack and seek out a new evil master to serve ... which they find in NYC via Scarlet Overkill (Sandra Bullock), whose new plan involves stealing the Queen of England's crown.  But things don't go off as planned (naturally), and indeed Bob ends up King of England - a plot twist even Overkill hadn't foreseen.  While the film is really funny and completely alive whenever minions are on-screen, somehow it left me feeling a bit let down (Scarlet is a pretty weak villain, as well).  Like it could have been so much more - packed so much more an "oomph" than it did - even though the ending tied things up sweetly. (rated PG)  B


  1. A good review, was interested in what other people thought of this. I have yet to see it, though will be getting the DVD. I am a big minion fan, but will be prepared for maybe little disappointment in places.

  2. Aww, I loved this! Lovely review though


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