All reviews designed to be read in (approximately) one minute (or so) or less, for today's crazy, hurried world - all SPOILER-FREE!

Monday, October 19, 2015


Of all the positive adjectives you could ever use to describe a Pixar film - and there are many, as their best films hold up both over time and to any live-action film ever made - the one I never considered was profound.  But that word best describes what I took away from Inside Out, a near-perfect film about a tween named Riley, relocating with her parents from Minnesota to San Francisco, who literally finds her inner emotions - Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust - in turmoil when Joy and Sadness are accidentally thrust from Headquarters and into the deep recesses of Riley's conflicted mind ... where, in their absence, things begin to go wrong.  Mixing laughs and tears in equally potent measure, kids will love Inside Out ... but it's the adults who will "get" the on-target way the film captures humanity/the human psyche in all its imperfections and glory.  It's hard to express the beauty, originality, and depth of this brilliant film in such a short, no-spoiler space, except to say it simply: SEE THIS MOVIE. (rated PG)  A+

1 comment:

  1. YES!!!! Awesome review about an awesome film. Pixar just get it right, don't they? :)


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