All reviews designed to be read in (approximately) one minute (or so) or less, for today's crazy, hurried world - all SPOILER-FREE!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

TUSK (2014)

Justin Long, you've betrayed me.  My fault, I guess; I went into Tusk knowing only it was a 'horror comedy' starring Long, one of my favorite actors.  When the credits started and I saw Kevin Smith billed as writer and director, my skin started to crawl ... but that was nothing compared to the 102-minute assault on my senses that followed, ending with my barely able to finish what ended up being the worst film I saw this year (yes, worse than Sharknado 2).  Long stars as a shock-jock podcaster who goes missing when he heads out to interview a reclusive ex-seaman in Manitoba, causing his fellow podcaster (Haley Joel Osment) and emotionally-fragile girlfriend (Genesis Rodriguez) to search for him.  But what the old sailor has in store for Long, supposedly funny to Kevin Smith (Smith reportedly admits he was high while making the film), makes for one of the most disgusting, morbid, and UNfunny films I've ever seen. Even Johnny Depp, in a small unbilled role, is both awful and annoying. (rated R)  F

TUSK trailer


  1. This has got to be my favourite film review EVER! I take it "F" was the lowest you could go for a rating? :)

  2. Ok you have my interest now to see and rate this film myself! I will definitely rent it, see it and let you know! Thanks for the info! Kevano


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