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Monday, December 22, 2014

CJ7 (2008)

When  writer/director Stephen Chow - the brilliance behind Shaolin Soccer and the frenetically funny Kung Fu Hustle - decided to make a children's film, he wanted to do one that parents could sit down and enjoy with their kids ... and in CJ7 he's succeeded beautifully.  Chow stars Ti, a dirt-poor blue collar laborer (and widower) who lives with his ten-year-old son named Dicky in what barely resembles a shack in the poorest section of town.  Dicky is bullied at school for wearing second-hand clothing and shoes his father repaired after finding them in a dump, but one night - after upsetting Dicky when he can't afford a fancy toy in a store - Ti finds, in the dump, a "toy" in the form of a green ball that Dicky soon learns is a tiny, dog-like alien left behind by its ship.  From here Chow's trademark comedy touches make the film a joy to watch, as Dicky tries to find a way to use CJ7 to confront his tormentors.  Touching, heartfelt, and very funny, CJ7 is a remarkable small film with an awfully big heart, perfect for adults and kids alike.  Have tissues ready before watching. (rated PG)  A

CJ7 trailer


  1. This movie looks great! I haven't watched any Stephen Chow films before - this might be a good one to introduce me to his work.

  2. Having a review and a trailer directly underneath WORKS!! I LOVE the sound and look of this. I want to see it. Now!!

  3. Like the sound of this one! Shades of ET I feel. Would like to see it!


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