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Friday, February 21, 2014


Ron Woodruff, in 1985 Dallas, is an electrician and hustler whose passions in life are sex, drugs, and booze.  Also homophobic, Ron goes ballistic when, on a visit to the hospital for a work injury, learns he's not only tested positive for HIV but also has about thirty days to live.  Railing against the "fags" disease, Ron's finally forced to confront his illness, and in his quest to live reads of an experimental new drug - AZT - that seems to help but is awaiting FDA approval, so is unavailable to him.  Finding it in Mexico, Ron begins smuggling a variety of unapproved test drugs into the U.S. ... and, pairing up with a transgender drug addict, Rayon (also dying of AIDS), starts the Dallas Buyers Club in an effort to keep those with HIV - including those in the very community he once detested - alive, regardless of government red tape or the Feds hotly on his tail.  Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto are flawless in this true story about hope ... not only for a cure, but for man's ability to find his lost humanity.  Lovely film. (rated R)  *****


1 comment:

  1. I wasn't at all sure about seeing this as I got the impression it would be an intense, angry film. It does sound interesting though. This is what I love about reviews from a trusted member of the public (yes, that's you!) rather than with an overpaid professional critic - I can trust your opinion!


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