A "reimagining", a remake, an update - however you want to classify this version of the Stephen King novel, it can't touch Brian De Palma's original. Chloe Grace Moretz, as the beleaguered (and telekinetic) high school innocent who finds herself at the Prom Night from Hell - good as she is - just doesn't come close to capturing Sissy Spacek's doe-eyed vulnerability; her Carrie initially borders on backward, but oddly more confident way too early on. Similarly, Julianne Moore seems more assured with making Mrs. White her own, yet still can't catch Piper Laurie's quiet, menacing madness. Even Prom Night's horrors end up a bit of a disappointment here, and the swiping of the occasional line of dialogue from the original script still can't recapture that previous film's magic - making this version mediocre, at best. (rated R) **1/2
CARRIE trailer
Pass....saw no reason to remake this movie!