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Monday, May 18, 2015


Imagine the coolest James Bond film.  Then imagine it as directed by Quentin Tarantino, with graphic violence and tons of dark humor ... and you have the hybrid gem that is Kingsman: The Secret Service, starring Colin Firth as Harry Hart, a gentleman spy in England who - to repay a debt to the man who saved his life a decade ago by sacrificing his own - enlists the man's now-grown son Eggsy (Taron Egerton) as his protege in the Kingsman agency.  Just in time, too; as Eggsy and his fellow recruits begin training, tech giant Richmond Valentine (Samuel L. Jackson) puts into action a plot to take over the world with a shocking plan that will "solve" the global warming crisis for good.   Directed by Kick-Ass helmer Matthew Vaughn and with an incredible ensemble cast, Kingsman: The Secret Service is brilliant, violent, funny, completely bonkers ... and I loved every minute of it.  The church scene alone will have your jaw dropping open about a foot. (rated R)  A

1 comment:

  1. Great review and wanted to love this as much as you did. I admired it and liked it but couldn't engage with it. The church scene is deeply shocking!


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