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Thursday, January 8, 2015

BIRDMAN (2014)

Known more as a "star" than a bonafide actor, Riggan Thomson (Michael Keaton) years ago gained worldwide fame in a series of three films in which he played a superhero called Birdman.  He turned down doing a fourth film, and his career pretty much hit the skids - which is why, now, he is working to re-brand himself on Broadway, in an adaptation of a Raymond Carver story he wrote, directed, and is starring in.  But the rehearsals alone prove one disaster after another; an injured actor, his egocentric and unreasonable replacement (Edward Norton), malfunctioning props, and a daughter (Emma Stone), fresh out of rehab, working as Riggan's assistant so he can try to be some sort of dad at last, all add to his frustrations in trying to feel relevant again.  A unique, fairly incredible showcase for an amazing performance by Keaton, Birdman is a thinking person's film with lots of subtext that will have you either scratching your head or muttering "Wow" by the end.  Maybe both. (rated R)  B+

BIRDMAN trailer (adult language)


  1. Ooooh, I'm so glad you reviewed this! I wanted to know what it was like and you can't trust the professional critics so I'm glad one of our group has seen it - and love the review! We were pondering whether to see it or another film the other night (we saw the other one) partly because I knew nothing about this film! Great review - thank you

  2. I just left the theater and I am doing the scratching of the head thing you mentioned :)


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