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Wednesday, July 30, 2014


You can put up with a lot with horror comedies.  Most are low-budget, low-brow, and viewers tend to give them a lot of leeway on quality, not expecting much.  That said, All Cheerleaders Die - which I was really looking forward to seeing - doesn't come off as much of a comedy, is certainly weak (even by lowered standards) as a horror film, and seems more like the dream child of a couple of horny frat boys whose goal was to make a horror flick with scantily-clad chicks (though, oddly enough, there's almost no nudity here), and even some girl-girl action.  The acting is okay (what you'd expect), special effects kind of cool in some places, super-lame in others, but the story - of a quartet of cheerleaders brought back to life, via some enchanted crystals, by the lesbian goth girl in love with one of them - gets sillier as the film goes on, when for some reason (it's never explained) each of the girls needs to feed on blood to survive.  And while there are a couple of hints of dark comedy, the film is never funny ... or for that matter, even particularly interesting. (not rated)  **


1 comment:

  1. Really like this write-up: informative without giving spoilers, and enough there to allow me to make a choice about whether to see it. And - I don't think I will!


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