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Monday, May 5, 2014

I DO (2012)

Jack (David W. Ross), a handsome gay Brit living in New York City, acts as a second father to the wife and daughter of his brother Peter, who died seven years earlier when hit by a car.  Living in NYC for years, Jack's time here becomes threatened when he latest Visa extension is denied, and in a desperate attempt to stay in the country with his only family, he convinces his lesbian best friend Ali (Jamie-Lynn Sigler) to marry him - an act that puts a strain on both them and their friendship, especially when - soon after - Jack meets and falls in love for the first time with a soulful architect (Maurice Compte) who wins his heart.  I Do is a rarity - an indie film with performances of real emotional depth from the entire cast, without a false note; you will want to reach through the screen and shake Jack into making the right choice.  It's also a film that straight people need to see, showing not just the issues LGBT people face in situations like this, but also that we love just as deep, and just as hard ... making it just as right. (not rated)  ****1/2

I DO trailer


  1. You definitely don't need to convert me - and you'll know how much I loved Blue is the Warmest Colour, in fact one of my favourite films this year. "I Do" sounds a great film - thank you for the review!

  2. Thanks to you and this review, I watched this the other evening. I thought Jack's boyfriend just gorgeous but Jack himself didn't appeal - somehow I found the shape of his mouth amongst all the bristle really off-putting! Ali was unbearably beautiful! Physical shallowness aside (!)..I found this a sweet film: a rare, gay romantic film which raised some interesting issues. I'm glad I saw it so thank you!


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